Monday, February 20, 2006

A week already?!?!?

I can't believe that it has almost been a week since my last entry! Yes, I did fall off the face of the earth! LOL! No, seriously, I have been tired after my runs and trying to limit computer time.

So the running is going good. With every day I train, I feel stronger and fitter. I have decided that I am not going to stop with the C2S - in fact I am going to return to competitive athletics - assuming I am good enough! LOL!

Anyway, not much else happening here - certainly no scrapping!!!

So for a diary entry:
Cherish Intimacy
Love really is the answer. Happiness research confirms that nothing's more life-enhancing than cultivating intimate relationships - with a partner and with close friends. The other side of cherishing your nearest and dearest is being cherished in return. True intamacy is a conversation. It begins with connecting to your deepest self, then reaching out to embrace others.


Kath said...

Glad to see you back!!!!!! Well done with the running campaign- Beijing 2008?????

Unknown said...

Great to see you back in the blog world.
Good on you for being so darn fit! You make me tired just thinking about athletics. You sound thrilled to be getting back into it which is great.

Sandi :)

Kylie said...

Good luck with the training beth! Missing our chats though :( come back online! LOL!