Sunday, April 09, 2006


Ok so that silly quiz was supposed to say that my blog should be BLUE! I really should look at my post before I go blog hopping... but anyway...

So we pull up to the park for cross country and the NSW Racewalking Club were there! Talk about a trip down memory lane!!! I don't know how many winters I spent competing in their comp as a kid!!!

Ok so the race was 3km and I had that nagging "you can't come last" thought in my head so for fit people 3km is a sprint.... not for me! So when they said "go" everyone sprinted so I had to run fast (for me) to keep up with the tail of the pack. Well I finally get to 1km and think 'bugger is that all I have done' as I am starting to feel it from running the first km in 4.45. So at this point I started to pick up a few people which felt good! Then coming back to the 2km mark Steve and the kids were there clapping and cheering for me! Then Luke wanted me so he starts running after me calling out "mum mum mum" and gets heartbroken when I keep on running! So cute! LOL! So with 1km to go the front runners were finishing. I did 2 km in about 9.50 so a 5.05min km.
Then I really really started to feel the pain in my chest from simply running too hard at the start. I really wanted to stop and catch my breath but I thought 'stop being a whimp and hurry and finish'. So I did the last km slower at about 5.25 but I finished to more cheers and claps from Steve and the kids.
I didnt feel much pain in my legs as I was running but as soon as I stop both calves got massive cramps and they are still tender today only because it was about 2/3rds grass.
The card I was given said 62nd and it took about 15m 15s which I was super happy with! I didnt come last - there were about 70 people in the race.
My next goal is to beat the 60+ year old lady who ran barefoot!

Sorry, very long winded but I am so proud of myself! I ran faster than I thought I could at the moment, next time I just have to run a little smarter!

Then afterwards we went over to my sisters as they just got a new pool table. My other BIL also came over so we had pizza and played pool while the kids all played together so it was really a great night!!

But now I think I am coming down with the flu! I have been sneezing heaps and my eyes are watering! :(

Anyway, thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!!!! :) :)


Kath said...

Lets Go Beth...Lets GO!!!!!! What a run!!!

The thought of KM attached to a number I am expected to run just TERRIFIES me so you are amazing - and I'm sure you'll get the 60 year old next time!!!

Sharryn Thomson said...

Wow Beth..that's awesome!!
I'd be on life support if I ever had to run that far..ROFL
That's amazing stuff and you should be very proud of yourself.
Big round of applause for the 'roid!!

Anonymous said...

Beth one word

You should be proud of yourself that is amazing.

Still laughing @ the barefoot woman and hope you dont get the flu Superstar!

Sam said...

well done Beth that is fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Wow Beth your run was totally inspirational. Good for you girl! They better watch out for you there next time!

Yay for Beth De Costella!! :)

Cassandra said...

Woohoo!! What an achievement! Well done Beth!