Thursday, August 03, 2006


Mr H. comes into work about once a week. Mr H. makes me want to cry. He is the sweetest man. He is 88 this year and last year he lost his wife of 62 years to cancer. For months he would come into work and we would say "Hi Mr H. How are you today?" and he would reply "I am so lonely" with tears in his eyes. After a couple of months he started saying "I am alright thanks" and that relieved us a little as he was so saddened by the passing of his best friend.

A while ago I was driving out to a friends house and I was driving down the main street and here is Mr H. walking with his cane and limp down the street. I cried. He looked so sad and lonely and it made me upset to think that one day I might be that person walking down the street. That I will lose my best friend after 62 years.

He came into work today and he wasn't feeling the best and he told me he was going to go pay a bill then go to the station to catch a taxi home. He walks everywhere you see. I knew he lived close so I offered to take him home to which he accepted my offer.

I got him home and he invited me to come inside and have a look at his house, which I obliged. He showed me around the house, the loungeroom, kitchen, backyard, bedrooms, and even the bathroom! He showed me the photos on the walls and the books on the shelves. When he offered me a cup of tea I had to decline as I had to get back to work.

When I was leaving he said "I only felt 25% today but you dropping me home has made me feel 100%."

So now I sit here and cry and reflect on this mans loneliness without his wife and I hope that I get to go before Steve as I wouldn't be able to cope, I wouldn't be able to function. I know it is years and years away but I feel so much for Mr H. I guess he is lucky that he has a great son who visits him twice a week, but nothing could replace the hole in his heart of his best friend's passing.

Sorry, just had to get it off my chest and tell someone.

But on a happy note - Happy 4th Wedding Annaversary to my sister and her husband!!! :-)


lusi said...

Oh Beth - that is sooooo sad. Sorry to hear about his loss. I know what you mean though...I don't know how I'd cope if I lost Brett first. I watched the Notebook yesterday- have you seen that? And I bawled for like 2 hours I reckon! So sad.
Anyway, you making his day 100% is something completely beautiful. Good on ya! :)
Lus x

scrapadel said...

Oh beth, you have me crying now. Cherish the time you have with DH, I know I do.

And Lusi, the Notebook is great. Message in a bottle is another movie that makes me cry.

Sharryn Thomson said...

Beth that is so sad. I know exactly how you feel. I've been lucky enough to watch both sets of my grandparents grow very old together. Unfortunately my mums mum died some years ago and left my grandfather on his own. Although it broke his heart and we didn't expect him to live long after that himself..he did and forged himself a life without her. He is still going strong at 88yrs of age and is a dead-set legend. My dads mum dies a couple of years ago and her husband passed 2 years before her which was hard as she was disabled and in a wheelchair.
She was never the same again after he died.
It's a very sad thing to witness. This Mr H is very lucky to have his son and caring people like you around. Some of these poor old buggers have no-one.
Sharryn :)

lusi said...

I was thinking about Mr H and your story all day today Beth.
Life is strange, lovely, crazy and beautiful sometimes...and did I mention rough going?
Lus x
Ps: On a brighter note, I took your advice and checked out Spotlight at Mt Druitt - THANKS soooooooo much for that tip! I got some great little things and it was super clean too like you said!

Kylie said...

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh im sittin here bawling my eyes out.

thanks for sharing beth *lotsa hugggs*

Sam said...

It was a wonderful thing that you did for him Beth :)
I too am teary after reading this, but it does make me sit up and think about things a little more - Thank you for that :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Beth. I too have a tear in my eye from reading this.

Being lonely must be one of lifes worst feelings.

Your wonderful helping to make his day 100%.

I often say it is the little things that make the most difference. The world needs more caring people like you. I am sure Mr H won't forget how kind you are.

Well done Beth, have a wonderful week end:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Beth. I'm a bit teary reading it. *hugs* to you for the kindness you showed Mr H. I'm sure that small gesture meant a lot to him.
Have a great weekend. :)

Kath said...

Wow - little things really can make a big difference in people's lives and you are proof!

Thanks for sharing Beth.

A Juggling Mum said...

Ohhhhhh Beth you are so sweet to take the time out of your busy day to spend with Mr H. I bet it is something he will remember for a long time :)