Thursday, December 08, 2005


SO I found out this morning that someone else applied for the same job as I did. I used to work with this person so it really will be a tough decision as we can both do the job. So if I get the job, I will be happy BUT if I dont get the job, I will be happy too. Either way I dont care.

So after work I donated 470mls of my precious O- blood. I feel good afterwards - like I have done a good deed. I mean I know its a good deed, but well, you know, I just feel good about it.

I *still* havent heard yay or nah about a layout I sent to SM/CK almost 3 weeks ago yet! Its driving me crazy! I just want to know either way! Oh well, tonight I am actually scrapping! Woohoo! Just a 'cause I can and I love the photos' layout - no specific paper, no specific theme, just whatever! Bliss.

I re-enrolled at Uni the other night - so since I picked 2 subjects, I have decided that monday to thursday will be study nights and friday to sunday can be scrapping nights. Perfectly balanced! I have become very good lately with my time management so I think I will be fine. Bring on march! I cant wait to get back into it!

Alrighty, I guess thats enough bable for one night! LOL!


Anonymous said...

So impressed Beth with the organisation, its such a juggle isnt it. I think I may attempt 2 subjects too next year. Its the never ending struggle to find the balance.

P.S Am sure they'll want the LO they are just slow because of Chrissy ;)

Nicole Finlayson said...

Hey Beth, I just heard about a lyout I subbed to SM nearly a month ago so they must be really busy or something.

Good for you donating blood and fingers crossed you get the new job. :)